Cancer Wellness Online
Regain Your Strength

Cancer Wellness – Mindful Living is an online support program for cancer survivors who are looking for mental, emotional, and existential support and who wants to regain physical and mental strength.
Cancer Wellness – Mindful Living
For Cancer Survivors, Family Members, Caregivers
After treatments are over many cancer survivors struggle to deal with the mental and emotional impact of cancer. As many as 1 out of 5 lives with post traumatic stress syndrome for years without getting help.
If you have a hard time moving forward and maybe deal with issues like fear of recurrence, anxiety, fatigue, you should be getting the help you need.
Click here to join the program: Cancer Support Program
This online program includes two webcourses in one; Cancer Wellness and Mindful Living. It is a 9 week webcourse that can be used as a self study course, and as a bonus I offer group coaching online over Zoom four times a year. You can join in anytime and for as long as you wish.
The course includes:
- Mindfulness Based Cancer Recovery Program, a complete mindfulness program.
- Cancer Wellness, a bonus program about wellbeing and quality of life.
- Guidad meditations and exercises, audio files and videos.
- Bonus group coaching that runs four times a year and follow the 9 week webcourse.
- Access to me where I will answer questions about physical, mental and emotional wellness.
- Possibilities to involve your loved ones in a common health plan, go 2 pay for 1.
Start your journey to health today, click here for the program in English: Cancer Support Program
For the program in Swedish, click here Cancer Wellness Rehabilitering Online
Look out for the next start of live group coaching. Both Swedish and English program starts January 12, 2025. Contact me to reserve your spot and make sure you have signed up to the program with above link.
Book a free bonus session here to find out if this is right for you!
No one is ever prepared for a cancer diagnosis and for everyone involved it hits hard, that also includes the circle of family and friends. There are more questions than answers and a feeling of being betrayed by your own body.
The need for support can vary depending on the phase you are in: waiting for a diagnosis – newly diagnosed – ongoing treatment – finished treatment. Most people need some kind of support to learn how to cope with the new situation and deal with the stress, worry, and anxiety that it brings.
Here is where you can join and find out more
The course is yours to keep and you can repeat it as many times as you wish. You also get free updates and access to free group coaching over Zoom four times a year.
Learn how to regain energy, strengthen your immune system, change negative thought trains and much more. The Mindfulness Based Cancer Recovery Program originates from Canada and is being used in hospital settings for cancer survivors.
Here is what you get
- A rehabilitation plan
- A holistic perspective on illness
- Ways to strengthen your immune system
- Strategies and coping skills
- Group coaching online
- Stress management
- Increased energy
- Better quality of life
- A community of people opting for health and balance
About cancer
The very word cancer evokes emotions and often fear for those affected and everyone around them. In fact, cancer is a collective name for a large group of different tumor diseases where far from all are life-threatening.
According to statistics, one out of three will suffer from a tumor at some point in their lives. Without lifestyle changes that number will increase to every other person by 2030, unless we are willing to look at some of the known facts that can decrease the risk by at least 30% and probably a lot more.
It is important to get professional help from you oncologist who is an expert in the area and also to build up a team of people around you for support. To heal from inside out means that you don’t only focus on what is wrong in the body, but look at what you can do to strengthen what is already healthy. There are many different ways to do that.
Integrative medicine, also called complementary medicine, includes many disciplines and what they have in common is to support the person from a holistic point of view. Being able to see one’s life in a broader perspective enables healing on many different levels. Both body and mind needs to be treated at the same time and can never be separated.
If you would like to know more about integrative medicine and how to strengthen yourself, we also offer private counseling and coaching. Here you can get your own personalized plan and support outside the group coaching.
We also have close connection to integrative clinics in Germany and Spain. Contact me